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Probability estimation for biprobit

BeitragVerfasst: So 12. Mai 2013, 22:17
von Krzycza
Dear "Deutsche" 8-)
I know sth German, so if you would like to answer in German, please, do it.
I estimated biprobit model (bivariate probit model) in Stata. Now I want to estimate probability of y at specified values of independent variables.

Code: Alles auswählen
biprobit (y1 education income age male) (y2 father_education age male)

I want to estimate probability of {y1=1, y2=1} or {y1=0, y2=0} for e.g. 27-year-old male with income 3,000 euro etc (I mean, for specified independent variables).
How to estimate this value in Stata? Do you know?


Re: Probability estimation for biprobit

BeitragVerfasst: So 12. Mai 2013, 23:57
von daniel
Have a look at -help biprobit postestimation-, and -help margins-.

After fitting you model type in Stata

Code: Alles auswählen
margins ,at(age = 27 male = 1 income = 3000)
margins ,at(age = 27 male = 1 income = 3000) pr(p00)